We just received the files for the Lurpak campaign we worked on during our placement at Wieden+Kennedy. The banners are to be found on various food sites like
delia online and
uktvfood, although the pages need a bit of refreshing to stumble across them. They are supporting the print and TV campaign that is running at the moment. We've uploaded some of the banners
Is this the start of a bright new digital future for Jai and Wal? Or do you subscribe to the notion that banners are the ATL presence on the internets?
I have no idea what the design stipulations were of course, but its a shame you can't play with the banner. Actually mix the food available up and create something advertising for example. Also a shame that the banner clicks through to the more boring, corporate looking site ever! Also, I know, not your fault.
Whatever the media constrictions were, banners are tough so 'grats on getting some out.
eeerr am I missing something.....
I don't get the them or the point of them?
Guys, these are pitiful. I hate to say that, because I like you, but they are. I did some banners for 3 mobile once on placement and put them in my book because they'd run. Then got ripped into for doing so. Take them down/put them nowhere near your book. They are very very bland.
digital advertising is taking over the world... wow, this is great.
yes, there were quite a few restrictions on them, and lots of the idea died on the way. we wanted each banner being generated out of the ingredients found in the page content and interactive but well.
you are right 04:45 they are rather average, they are our first banners, it can only get better.
well said, banners are always a difficult one, especially if the brand guidelines are such cuntfucks.
not amazing but it must have hit the brief for the client to approve, well done for getting something out of your time at W+K.
Well done for getting some work out guys.
I just hope you're right that it can only get better, it can't get much worse.
It's not about getting work out on placement, especially this kind of nothingness. You need to show the CD that you can do thinking like no-one else in the department.
Wal, if you think they are a bit shit why put them up for people to give you stick. Either you like all the attention or you are a bit daft.
Sorry lads but if thats all you've got to offer W&K then no wonder you only stayed a month.
No matter what some of the losers say on here it's not 'well done for getting work out'... a top ECD ain't bothered if you can deal with the carp briefs, he wants a team with talent as good as ones or hopefully better than in his dept.
It's very naive to think that by being good boys and shoveling shite you will get to stay for a few extra weeks at an agency. You need to show you can hit the ground running if given a good brief.
Given the amount of placements you've been on you this should be obvious by now.
'if given a good brief' that's the point. we didn't come close to one, even after asking 10 times to get on that nokia stuff, 20 other people were working on.
but as we figured out now, you hardly get the chance to work on 'a good brief'
no, you won't get a good brief and any good team will not give you one... why would they want a flipping placement team cracking it!
so, you write your own brief for one of the agencies clients and be pro-active... rather piss everyone off by keep asking for a brief.
it really amazes me how naive you are wal, pick somewhere you want to bloody work keep going back to them with ideas for their clients that could get bought if the CD likes them.
It clear to all you are wasting your time do placements and workshops, a job will not fall on your lap.
Does jai even know you write a blog wal?
why does he never join in?
yo jai, say sumthin'
Or why not both be silent.
Dave Trott would probably merit this blog because so many people read it and comment.
The worst blogs are the ones that dont get you involved.
Even if most of the comments are offensive or just plain rude.
Dave Trott? Please... Wal, start nicking briefs. No CD is going to turn down a great idea. You need to start wising up and being more bloody cut-throat.
Just what I was thinking, reading that you weren't "allowed" to work on the Nokia briefs. If the CD tells you no, then go hound the creatives who are working on it. Nab their brief, get a copy, work on it off your own bat. Don't wait for a CD to tell you what you can and can't do - if you want to work on it, then just go for it!
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