Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Rum Alchemy II

It's this time of the year again. The weekend before last I made my way to Borough Market afresh to obtain selected ingredients for another round of flavor Infused Rum. I bottled and mixed the dried fruits and spices on the day. Now it's going to take the three bottles at least a couple of weeks – ideally around three months – to unfold their flavors and sync together perfectly. The most important thing is patience and a weekly shake. I'm also rather curious how they will turn out compared to the ones from last year. It's less sugar and a bit more fruits this time. Maybe for these three I will get around to do what I wanted last time and design some labels for the infused rum. Let me introduce the cast:


Shane said...

Some say Alcohol influences Creativity...nice to see that Creativity can also influence alcohol.

looks awesome, I bet if you eat the fruit after a couple of months you'll be drunk as a skunk.

Anonymous said...

snarf wal snarf!!!!!!!!

Slave #24601 said...

Ace. If you stumble across the recipe to Sailor Jerry's then be sure to let us know.

mjw4849 said...

What other flavour rums have you made before?

Anonymous said...

also cherry/chilli, cranberries/rasberries/vanilla and mango/ginger

Anonymous said...

I've always felt that the best addition for rum is ice cubes and a stir straw. :)

Le Jetliner Rieur said...

Ah ah ah.
Began mine season in Paris too.
We should share one bottle soon.

Le Jetliner Rieur