For last nights brief, Chris asked us to put together a reaction diary for the week. And last night he explained why it was so important to be able to read reactions, as only then can be really evoke them. Chris talked about many things last night but I think the one point he wanted us to go away with was everything we do should get a reaction.
Here’s the template + instructions we were given, so if you want you can try it yourself.
Jai, you've cocked up the font size. Wal's going to be livid!
Was last night's brief to put together a reaction diary? If it was that is a shame as I thought D&AD workshops were to help you get campaigns for your book.
To be honest, I'd much rather see a reaction diary in a book than another bloody campaign...
Is it not only a tenner to do it?
@ anon 10:34:00 AM
It was one of the first things we got told during the first year at Bucks. Look at people and see what they react/respond to and make note of it.
To get a reaction means that you have connected with the consumer, good or bad it's still a connection. We had Chris Arnold come in for a lecture once and it was inspiring. So many little insights.
So what's your point?
Do you agree with me or what?
Reading it is clear they agree with you Anon 2:01. If they were taught it as one of the first things at Bucks, it's something Jai & Wal should know having graduated two years ago!
To the guy above me, welcome to comment deletion.
sat at home...on your own... drunk, I think that says it all really. I think you need to get out a little more if you can get that disturbed and upset just by reading a blog. It's quite sad really. Keep up the good work guys x
re 9.07pm
I keep a journal of memorable quotes.
Yours just won an Oscar.
Hello. I am 9:07pm. I was a little drunk last night when happened upon this blog. Not that I don't visit it daily for a giggle. I wasn't at home though. I assure I was out and then back in the office. I think the source of my anger was the atrotious (probably spealt wrong I know) use of the English language. For people who I would guess are in or want to be IN advertising, which is from my point of view about being a writer that never gets around to starting that novel. I can't bring myself to read what I wrote last night. I only remembered when I just got bored of writing taglines and ventured into www land. Anyway, I'd better get on with some work now. Peace out. Oh, by the way, I can't be bothered to look back on what I've written for spelling and grammatical errors so I invite everyone with nothing better to do to correct whatever. Wow, what a walking contradiction I am. Boo hoo. That is all.....
Anon 9:07 & 9:29
You're less of a contradiction, more of a prick.
And acknowledging your own lack of ability to check your own use of English does not make your attack any less moronic, no matter how right you may have been.
This blog is crippling you boys, get some good work up on it soon or you'll find doors closing I'm sure of it :(
Well, you certainly got a reaction from Mr. Anon 9:07. Not sure it's what you were after though?
Anon 9.07 and his schizophrenic follow-up in 9.29 is pulling your chain you daft pricks. He's self-knowingly pretending to be a thick fuck to spoof thick fucks who can't spell. D'ya gets me? The cold shiv of truth to the gut - hook, line and sinker brother. hook, line and sinker.
Here is my reaction: Chris Arnold. Who the hell is he?
@ anon 03:22:00 PM
It's a shame that some people out there, really do not have a clue. Do I have a clue? Well yes, I do.
I am new to this blog, let me make sure I have my facts straight
you are out of university,
no job, on a seemingly endless round of placements that you can't convert and you are wasting your time on a smug and pretentious blog and a 'reaction diary'.
How about you do some great work,
you might then get a reaction from a creative director along the lines of 'thats good we will give them
a job'.
That boys is the only reaction you should be even remotely concerned with.
I love the fact that an agency nobody has ever heard of have set a brief that nobody will give a shit about.
Really useful stuff.
Have you given up on your blog?
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