Today made us especially happy. First we discovered a post on the W+K London blog about us. The Welcome to Optimism blog was the first one I started reading regularly, it introduced me to blogging and was one of the reasons I started a blog myself – so we're pretty chuffed to appear on there – a small dream comes true.
And if that's not enough to sweeten up the day, there's another one of our goals reached. We received an email from D&AD, we've made it onto the Advertising Workshop which will kick off next week. It's gonna be good. Every Wednesday, new creative people, drinks and food for our portfolio. Yummy! We might have even been smart enough to make copies of the work we've sent in. So if I'll find them I'll post the campaigns, the brief was WHSmith.
We hope your day was as good as ours, we all need some goodness nowadays to go with that boring weather – let's all say hello to good and it'll keep coming back.
Lol I hope the london ones are better than the north ones, this year they didn't even finish, they ended with no final presentation or announcement of the winners. Rather dissapointing.
Good luck with that one, I'll be interested to see the WHSmiths ads, they always give you a doosy to get into the workshops.
Do you know which agencies are involved this time round?
well we've never been to one, so we'll have to see for ourselves. don't know of the involved agencies yet, but we'll let you know as soon as we do.
That's a good one - saying hello to good and it'll keep coming back. I'll take note of that. Good luck guys!
Truth of the matter is some of us have been campaigning for you at WtO since the day you started your placement there guys.
Good to see it happening at last.
Nice one guys. Good news about D&AD.
cheers ferris! thanks for helping us out as well!
oh and john, yes you are right, people left comments about us, that was very nice.
We missed the deadline for the London workshops, too busy in Thailand. Its good to know that some top notch people are on it. Will you be blogigng how they go for us?
Do us all a favor and stay there.
Good things come in threes don't they? You should probably by a lotto ticket or sumfink.
Bollocks. Soz. Thank god you're here to pick up on stuff like that.
why has it taken you so ling to do workshops... surely you should be pushing for a job after a few yers out of college?
long not ling I should add
Why celebrate getting on a workshop?
You've both done advertising courses.
This is a step backwards chaps.
rachel and debbie, I had never read your blog. I just did and think it's incredibly amusing. Well done.
Couldn't find a way to contact you or leave a comment there so I'm leaving it here. Hope Wally doesn't mind.
I was specially curious about your John and Chris post. I wish you could elaborate a bit more on 'How to crack stinky briefs". I'm dealing with one right now!
Hopefully you'll read this and could share some of that on your blog.
if you want to get in touch hun the email is rddc@hotmail.co.uk and if you leave a comment on any of the posts we'll get it and reply as best we can.
That was quite a while back now, but the best advice I and many creatives will give you, is find that truth, whether it be something specific about the product that noones picked up on, or something that is typical about that product but you can present it in a creative or different way, We are certainly not the best and Jai and Wal could probably also give you some great advice.
Keep researching it something will turn up. If your thinking Fallon or W+K style its got to be big and a completely new way of doing it.
Hope that helps. (sorry Jai and Wal!)
no worries ladies :)
thank you girls.
Your own advice is rather good.
I don't want to look like an ungrateful bitch, but I was actually a bit more interested in what Chris & John had to said to you. Do they have a technique for working on stinky briefs? or would suggest drinking cyanide and hoping for a quick death?
How about you Wal, you met them too didn't you? any impressions?
sorry that last comment was me, sarah.
what they said to us was pretty much what i've just said to you, they came from the course we were on and so spoke about their progression into the industry rather than specific ways of getting a brief done, infact they got the idea for skoda after buying each other a valentines cake. You find inspiration everywhere and I also believe theres no set way of cracking a brief, I get ideas when I least expect it. Why don't you try emailing them? Im sure they'd be happy to talk to you if they have time.
You should be able to figure it out from the emails on the website.
I've looked on your blog girls, I'm confused.. for two people who havn't had a placement yet.. you talk like you know it all. I'd leave the advert reviews and the gossip of who has left what agency up to scamp and concentrate your book.
^ What he said...
Spot on.....^^
Concentrating on your book is certainly a good thing, but in the same breath just because you may not have had much agency experience doesn't mean you can't objectively comment on work/ads...
Ads are aimed at Jo Public, so these girls are in the same situation as those we generally produce ads for.
I'd say comment all you like on work, it'll help you understand the process better when you debate your views. As for who's left x y and z agency, ignore that and worry about you and your book!
I’ll be thirding that emotion. We have entered a time where juniors without jobs are now creative martyrs providing electronically-earned philosophy for the next batch of juniors.
It’s like being stuck in a Paris Hilton brown circle. Shit’s coming out. Cocks are coming in. And people starting the industry are lathering up in this crappola.
Get a job then start dealing out the advice.
Girls. I just had a gander at your online folio. Know I now you didn’t ask for advice, but if you put it out there….
GAP – is a gap with a price. It’s not really an idea. If it means GAP is so popular it’s gone this is a) a pun b) not at all true (and if it’s not true it should at least be entertaining). A campaign for GAP should invigorate it as a brand. Get it back to how ‘cool’ it was in the 90s.
Shockwaves – feels very familiar and first-thoughtish “products tame your mad hair – tame it’s wildness…” It’s executional, without emotional truth. Looks interesting though, in a hair ad kind of way.
Blood – If only giving blood was that easy(?)…not very understandable. Showing a made-up negative visual. It isn’t making me want to give blood. Tell me how easy it is if that’s what you want to do. Or how do you get me from being selfish and keeping it to myself? No truth again.
Elastoplast – Dave Trott (I think it was him) did this in the 70’s/80’s.
VISA – A credit card is good in an emergency. SHOCK! If you want to do a credit card for your book at the moment you have to consider we are in the middle of a credit crunch. And it just seems similar to ‘For everything else there’s Mastercard’…the shit you can’t control.
Hob Nobs – looks similar to the biscuit campaign A&E did recently (not your fault) and that wasn’t great. Does have a truth but it’s too obvious a truth (i.e. mostly everyone given that brief would come up with the Peter Kay angle) and it personifies something which will mark you out as a student straightaway.
Mercedes Benz – seems conflicted between strategy and headlines. Blah blah since 19 blah blah is so overused as an endline I would scrap it. The headline about Mercedes Benz being hard to handle but worth the effort sounds like a wrestle with a fucking Lion. Not what you want from an elegant, £80,000 car.
Liger x
well done guys,
i didnt enter this year but will next year. so tell how it goes. As a matter of fact a course mate has got in, called laura, so say hi. Id love to see the entry work for WHS.
Gosh, your very talked about on scamps blog today!
take care
I love your enthusiasm, your excitement about everything has to be commended and you do seem so genuinely keen, but really how can you get excited about D & AD after you've already been to Bucks and done a whole host of placements inc W + K....it's a bit of a step back really.
Agreed Anon 4:00
we have a couple of weeks in between placements, d&ad workshop will be an excellent exercise for our portfolio.
jeeez girls, you have to chill out.
you're starting to sound like proxikid or whatever his nickname was. thank god he's not around anymore sharing his 'wisdom' with us.
I remember proxikid. what a cock.
are you girls the new proxikid?
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