An obviously cool place to hang for London creatives in between placements and freelance is Soho's
Breakfast club (also a famous Planner hideaway). That's where we bumped into
Kristin today, Wal's former creative partner. She's doing some cool things at the moment with her partner Graham – watch out for them! On the piece of paper she gives a shout out to her single favorite blog reader.
She's hot!
You should've stayed with her Wal...job in no time!
Well, he did 5 placements with her and no job. They even had a placement at BMB where Mr Beattie's eye favours looks over books. Nothing happened.
Oh and by the way, Wal, it was 5 placements not 'a couple'.
Is she also part of the placement merry go round?
I'd make her go round and round, yes.
5, it might have been more even. but we had two job offers and an immediate placement offer at BBH before we split up.
Still. More than a couple. Which makes you a lier, Mr Placement champion.
You know why you're not hired Wal, it's cos you do crap like the Soho Breakfast Club.
Teams who get hired easily, are ones who want it bad. The ones who eat cans of soup for lunch, asking to be paid cash in hand so they can keep signing on. The ones who need the job to improve the quality of their lives.
They don't go galavanting around Europe in between placements or eating breakfasts like a bunch of wannabe media posers.
you had 2 job offers?
where were these then wal?
One was in Quatar and the other in Siberia right? So if your book was good enough to get in to BBH with Kristin how come you can't get in now?
think you hit the nail on the head there, hence the reason Wal is getting so much stick.
Sorry Wal but you come across as a bit lazy mate, drifting along the placement scene acting as though you are part of the industry.
Until you get that first job and start making ads you are on the street, yes it's very tough to get a job but those who really want it have to do so with a great book and hungry attitude.
Do you really want to be know in the industry as the Wally without a job?
The key to getting a job is making a CD think you are an undiscovered gem, not a pair on wannabes without the talent to back it up.
I do hope I'm wrong but it took me a while to get a job and it only happened through hard graf.
Not by blogging and poncing around in Soho.
Chill out guys, he didn't have lunch at the Ivy or the Groucho, it's just the Breakfast club.
I think some of your lines make sense. The lack of a good book and the failure to convert placements into solid job offers. The think is, nobody but Wal knows how hard he's trying.
Just one thing, Wal. Hope you're trying as hard as you think you are.
who the fuck are you guys to judge? jai and wal are a team who are doing great, getting placements at good places and i bet they ll soon get hired somwhere sweet. so stfu.
They are getting into great agencies, but there has to be a time when that's not enough surely.
What's the point of being a top agencies for a few weeks, or months even just to move onto the next one.
They need and want a job.
Wal is certainly enthusiastic and appears to work so hard to get what he wants - it's just it can come across as being content, chuffed at getting yet another placement, and not be bothered if a job happens or not.
Is that your aim, go to a 'ping pong' agency next?
Why not? It's as good an excuse as any it seems.
Roll on 'pong wars!'
Wal - did you write this post?
It sounds as if you're writing it in the second person i.e. 'Wal's former partner' instead of 'my...'
Did Jai write this then rather than you?
It doesn't matter one iota, just curious as to why it might be.
It's a shame the best part is hiding behind that stupid piece piece of paper.
I'm slightly confused why you broke up if you were being so successful? Was it personal differences or, despite your successes, you weren't getting along so well creatively?
wal you know of any other places where teams can go, get all creative and that?
hey guys,
I'm a regular reader and have seen this topic coming for a few weeks. I admire what your doing and getting into w+k and places like that is amazing.
But I do agree with everyone that it is time you turned this into a job, I hate saying it but if not then you are fast becoming an industry joke. I wouldn't want that as through the blog you have become well known and it has put you places others only dream of, but it does bother me that you don't seem bothered about actually getting a job.
You give lots of advice to students starting the crit circuit, but at the end of the day, it's your first job. Your no more qualified that all the students being churned out of uni's every year. I reckon you need to go for it, and I sincerely do wish you luck.
I'm confused too Happy Thought - it sounds like everything was going extremely well in the team with Kristin the way you tell it Wal.
Are you adept at talking up the truth, or something else was going on?
If indeed you had all these job offers together, an immediate placement at BBH (previously an agency you'd have dreamed of getting into) etc etc, why on earth did you split?
Re: Clarity.
Six figures of what, Wal?
@jpandtem, never mind ;)
@happy thought, kristin and i seperated as we didn't work well together, you may call it creative differences.
@anonymous, we do not need to tell you how bad we want our first job, we know ourselves and work our asses off for it daily.
I find going to the park on a summers day can be pretty distracting. However the sun is good for you.
there is always the rich team who's parents are putting them up etc, they are the ones who don't worry to much about a job offer as they aren't scrounging for money, sleeping on friends sofas, eating corn flakes with a fork so you can put the milk back in the carton etc! which one are you guys?
Too true!
I doubt very much they'd admit or agree with you though Anon 5:04 even if you have hit the nail on the head!
So what if they're rich, why does that matter? If they have talent they'll get hired, if they haven't, they won't. Of course, having money behind you helps you last longer on your job quest...essentially if you want it bad enough you'll still have to work your arse off. People shouldn't be judged on whether their parents are wealthy. That's an unfair thing to do just because you personally have got a chip on your shoulder 5:04.
It shouldn't really matter...
I think the comment arises because they seem to have many opportunities (granted they've earned them) but can be seen to squander them - because they've money, security etc etc, and it doesn't matter if they get the job now. They can wait for x number of months for the next chance.
Most of us have to snap up a job offer if given, whether it's an agency we'd really want to work at or not.
We'd all like to be in the luxurious position Jai and Wal appear to be in I'm sure.
great point 06:05!
think you have hit the nail on the head, theres no question its easier to make it in this business as in any business if you have a bit of money behind you! ive had to settle for argos!
dudes i think we all need to stop hating on these guys otherwise we might scare them off and there will be no blog about anymore for us to check out!
i think your blog's awesome lad's, keep up the good work, remember take all of this negativity and turn it into a positive!
Come on Wal, set the record straight!
Are you related to Roman Abramovich? it would explain how you can keep trying to crack the placement scene...
Seriously, do you feel under any pressure to get a job seeing you have been trying for quite a while, surely there has to be a cut off point?
To those pleading poverty, saying that they have to take the first job then... bollocks.
Your first job is very important as it's a lot easier moving from a good agency to another for your second job rather than trying to move to a good one from say a shitty place like McCanns.
You should have worked harder and got in somewhere good first.
Sorry to join the negative group of people Wal but you best start really knocking on those doors as you might have all the time in the world but your shelf life as a student team doing placements is a short one.
You people, you do know that it takes two years on average to find a job. I agree with previous anon, you don't want to start just about anywhere either, because at the end of the day you want to have real work that's good in your book not spec work after years in not-such-a-great-job. Besides, Jai and Wal haven't been together long and it takes a while to build a good book and establish yourself as a team.
Good luck, boys.
let me tell you what the problem is guys. no one takes you seriously. wal is basically the industry's lab rat. it's harsh and yes i'm a cock for writing this on your blog but hopefully that'll spur you on.
uh oh, scamp is gone.
Creative differences suck, for the long game I think you were wise to part ways, even if it is a sad thing to do.
Still, you found Jai so all's well that ends well, huh?
Sorry to change the subject here, but anon 04:07pm mentioned it - does anyone know what's happened to Scamp?
jobs a job, main aim should be to get in somewhere top 20, above the line and get some good work out, then get into somewhere top 10 or 5 within the next three years. No one expects you to get into w&k first time, it's a place you guys should be aiming for when you're older. Also don't kid yourself if you think advertising is exempt from parental or wealth factors (it's all about ideas shit), students who need it more and therefore want it more, get it more.
Wow. Ignore most of these comments guys, you're doing great if you ask me...
huh, dunno what happened with scamps blog.
Re: Scamp
This blog is in violation of Blogger's Terms of Service and is open to authors only
maybe he's finally been bollocked for licking fallon's tea towel holder.
hello guys, this is Kristin.
i just thought i take the opportunity to set things right. Wal is a very creative person who always knows whats going on, even though we split over creative differences because we felt that neither of us is working their best within the team, he is far of from being lazy and everybody who says that doesn't seem to know him. i wish him and Jai well and i am sure they will make it.
by the way, slagging people off this way is not really cool, especially anonymous, it doesnt make you guys look good.
have a happy life and live happily ever after . . .
peace KRIS
So come on then Kris, what TWO job offers did you refuse?
I'll tell you: Costa and Pret.
Gotta be pret hands down, coffee's wack.
well coffee is brown and Wal is already familiar with that colour so...
Re: Anon 5.04pm
"there is always the rich team...the ones who don't worry to much about a job offer as they aren't eating corn flakes with a fork so you can put the milk back in the carton"
Who the fuck are you? One of the Four Yorkshiremen? Fucking Pleb.
haha, pleb!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you 12?
seriously though, as i lay here in the bed of my penthouse flat, tapping the keys of my fancy phone, i really would like to stick up for jai and wal. i think you cunts need to get out a bit more. i'm a struggling creative too, but my problems are of my mind, not my bank account. i have some support from my parents, some from the government and some from working 12hour shifts as a waiter most weekends. when i am in an agency and happen upon a young creative team filled with enthusiasm, i might just tell them of how i worked 30 hours a week dressed as a giant dog in order to move down here and follow this selfish dream. however at no point will i tolerate this 'eating cornflakes with a fork' bullshit. milk isn't sacred and neither is advertising. you'll never be as creative as you hope and your farcical 'legends' won't help
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