At the agencies we've been in London we met many interesting creatives. They had great stories to tell how they got into the industry and we thought often about it to sit down and record interviews with them to publish on this blog. We didn't have a chance so far as we need to sort out a job first. Saying that there is a fabulous website that just does that. Just recently they interviewed Tom & Selena from Fallon London which especially interesting for all aspiring London creatives. They also talked to teams/single creatives from places including Mother NY, Anomaly and W+K Amsterdam. Check them out at
lifeatthebottom.com, it's a great read, especially the category
Monday Morning Whip should keep you going.
Hi Wal,
Being in a junior team I was wondering how much this blog has helped you in your quest in finding a job? Do people know of you before you go in because of this blog?
Do you get good feed back from creative directors for having one? Do you find that with the negative comments you get people are influenced by others so have an automatic dislike towards your work?
We decided not to start a blog just as it seems to be a means of spoiling the suprise.
Your new banner is an improvement. Clear, simple, stands out - I quite like it!
I thought often about it to sit down and comment on this to publish on this blog. Would be good.
@ First Anon
I my thought about this in a post awhile ago. If you're interested check it out:
I wont repost it here, that'd be annoying.
In short, a bLog is a good way of leaving a lasting impression with anyone you show your book to, is a good way of sharing any ancillary work you do such as pohotgraphy or film without it gumming up the pace of your book and means your work can be shared with people who havn't seen your book. We saw a guy we thought was good so showed his blog of work to our CD. He's now gainfully employed at our agency so they can be very useful, surprise or no.
Hey guys,
Love that you're on to Junior.
Think the boys are looking to get started in london town soon so maybs you can get that up and running!!!!
Nice link, wal.
Only thing is I find that team from Fallon a bit hypocritical when they say they (quote) Fucking hate when people take things off you tube.
Really? Even when Fallon itself is famous for that? Eyebrows anyone?
Wait, Tom & Selena? The ones behind those awful Orange Cinema ads? Really? I mean REALLY?
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