There are a few moving desks at the agency at the moment and we’ve been jammy enough to be given our own office. Granted it’s probably only for a couple of days but what the hell, we say make the most of what you’ve got an all that! So in celebration and to make the blank walls a little more interesting we thought we’d name our temporary abode. Below is what we’re thinking; what should we call it?

I kind of like the Jai & Wal's orphanage.
jai and wal's wank pit,
its a winner! double dare you to keep this post up or are you chicken?
haha what about the cheese factory?
dude, what's happening to your blog?
comments are getting angrier with each post.
Jai and Wal's pretentious hell box?
Don't name it anything, it's a lame thing to do and your just going to look like a lame arse 'wacky' placement team.
You'll end up looking like 2 pricks who think it's hiarious to be 'different'.
To be fair though, cheese factory as suggested previously is a great shout!
How bout...Krazzzy Kuntz (coz you soooo Krazy) or Twat n Twatter.
That's what i'd think if i were working at lowe.
yaya, cheese factory is good indeed - like it. but gosh, so much hatin' here, guess that's the beauty of internet anonymity, huh? we just like fun stuff, and hell it's cheese on toast sometimes, anyone got beans?
How about an amalgamation of a few suggestions:
Jai and Wal's pretentious twat pit.
jai and wal's cheesy pretentious twat pit- genius.
If you boys have a sense of humour and irony you will call it that.
If not, well you know what you are...
Do it, snap it, upload it. Kudos.
when is the naming day then?
what did you go with?
You said you'd only have the room for a few days probably, so if you haven't named it already isn't it almost too late?
You snooze you lose!
chaps, did you actually read that Ed Morris placement doc that was left on your desk?
Seriously, guys. You'll be eaten alive with any of those. Do yourselves a favour and go for heavy irony, or nothing.
Remember, every one else in every other office has seen 1000s of young teams come and go. You won't be the first to try a "funny" sign.
Or how about being less inyourface? Do something genuinely cool with the interior of your new abode instead. Make your own Cheeses of the world wallpaper or something!
have you been kicked out of lowes yet?
How long is your placement anyway?
Things looking good to extend it if you guys wanted?
Enjoy the Easter break anyways!!!
Put your feet up boys, make yourselves at home - there's nothing much like hard work now.
Nice brown shoes by the way - which one of you owns them? :)
Now, down to the serious business of naming your 'office' - what is the it to be? Dragging it out a little aren't we.
Yo dudes. Well done for the extended placement. Keep it up. And ignore all the non-constructive shitty comments. They're just bitter people who arn't getting laid enough.
feet up on the desk during a placement, not the right message you boys want to be sending out. More ideas, less time trying to be wacky.
naming day is tuesday, i think we ll have the office for another week at least, as we only have next week of placement left. we ll see then what happens.
rob, think you're right, heavy irony, we ll take cheese factory for that reason, we ll post a photo of the sign after the break.
the brown shoes are jai's.
and hey, whats the point with working in advertising when you cant put the feet on your desk?! :)
have a great easter break everyone!
put your feet up after you get a job. not before.
Is that Will on the right side of Jai's feet?
Behind the window?
heya seb, how are you back in hamburg? coming to visit us in london sometime?
yes indeed, it is young will sitting outside our window.
Why on earth did you get people to vote a name in when you go and choose something completely different. Valued opinions it seems not.
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