Dan & Amber a creative team at Y&R London gave an in depth interview for Careerplayer about their job as a creative team in advertising. It's very interesting, especially if you want to know what this job is all about.
Check it out here.
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Biscuit Barrel
It's really insightful, from people you can respect too. Excellent random find!
"web banners and mobile phone thingys" nice to see these guys are at the cutting edge of creativity
The new advertising blog!
The comments and perspective were interesting but i'd like to hear a little more from the more diverse (i.e the older workforce, black, etc.) voices on creating within the advertising community.
yawn - this is for people that want to know about the ad industry, not those in it or who know about it.
Amber Casey is FIT! im going to try for a placement at Y&R!
Nothing new or insightful there. I could feel the sexual tension in the room too.
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