This week we're off at Agency Republic. And today a banner game we came up with and saw through is online on
msn.co.uk. If you'd like to have a look, go on the website, click on the MPU and have a play. We don't think it's running for too long but if we'll get our hands on the files we'll upload it somewhere ourselves.
you're off as in finished?
Not bad guys, runs a bit slow on my compooter. But a nice change from the normal sim card shite
what's next for you if this freelance is over?
Are you likely to make it a regular freelance spot?
O2 banner is pretty good - runs slow on my computer too unfortunately so think looses a lot of its affect from that.
Really nice, well done guys!
Took too long to play so didn't get a chance, not your fault. So i can't judge.
Good stuff, ran very smoothly on my mac. Nice graphics, shame there's no sound. Nice one fellas.
what next for you guys.
best of luck. its all valuable experience
Hey this was quite cool aye! Nice idea. My creative partner and I both had a go so it was definitely intriguing/engaging:)
We are a creative team from New Zealand and we have actually been following your blog for a couple of months now! If you're interested we also have a blog at iamcreative2.blogspot.com. check it out if you're keen!
clearly the new 'the day the earth stood still' has been remade with lots of differences to the original. including O2s sponsorship. as an MPU goes, its cool :)
Any plans now?
we're out of a job til the new year, but have a few things in the pipeline. Xmas sucks for job hunting :(
that proves you can make it in this business guys! Just one piece of advice, don't punch above your weight. The Fallons, the wiedens, the bbhs, they won't pick you. You need to start somewhere else. Small. Not glamorous. No, not Mc Donalds but you get the idea.
@previous, thanks but if I'd listen to your advice I wouldn't try being in this business in the first place.
I think the point 10.53 was was trying to make, albeit somewhat clumsily, is that there are lots of smaller shops where you can cut your teeth and hone your skills for a couple of years; agencies that will give you the opportunity (if you have the ability) to win awards and get yourself noticed by the large 'glamorous' shops. Spread your net wider my friend and you're more likely to catch a fish.
You sound too big for your boots Wal! With that attitude I hope you keep pursuing the 'glamorous' agencies and waste many more a year in doing so.
How narrow minded are you.
It's not where you start, but where you end up.
Too right (above)
guys im no prophet, but i do consider myself on par with jesus. all i want to leave you with today is this simple thought -
'It's not where you start, but where you end up.' we agree, but of course we're aim for the top, but cast our net wide.
Nice one guys. Great to see you doing well. I would say one thing: your first job is very important. But it seems you already know that. Too big for your boots? Nah, not at all. Like you say, you have to aim high otherwise it's a waste of time. Oh, and sorry I didn't respond to your meme thing, I've been away...
How on earth do you figure 'it's a waste of time' if you don't aim for the very top?
That sounds very single/narrow minded to me.
Sure we all want to work at the best agencies, and certainly aim for them but it's not the be all and end all. Especially when you're trying for your 1st job.
Some might admire your determination and I guess you can only do what you think is right. I just hope you don't miss equally good opportunities whilst you long for your ideal job right from the start.
I think you're kidding yourselves saying you're aiming for the top but casting your net wide. Seems like a contradiction in many ways.
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