We reckon the IPA just used the french real, as for 20 minutes they had ads running with Paris as a location – zero idea and zero fun, mostly. Now if that would have been London it might have been more appealing right? Overall it was a good night, there were some pretty wicked ads that were fun to watch on the big screen with a non forgiving crowd that applauded the good stuff. Have a look at some of the spots that stood out, they are nicely assembled by Seventy Seven. Thanks for saying hi, Luke & Co. I think I also spotted Mike&Phil in the crowds?
If i were you guys, i'd seriuosly think about posting stuff like this.
If i was at an agency and knew this stuff about you, i'd think you to were a pair of advertising nerdlingers.
Now, i know it's good to know your stuff, but you two seem like the two kind of people i'd least like to have in my agency. Not because you're horrible, but because you come across as two saddos. The kind of team that when on placement, and everyone's down the pub together, you two come along and all you talk about is FUCKING ADVERTISING!!!
I'm really not trying to be nasty, i'm being honest in order to help you.
Delete if you must, but sometimes, the truth hurts...
Is there any nights like this purely for showcasing digital?
It is the future after all.
I sadly have to agree with 12:04. It's not healthy to be this into adverts. If you are, don't show everyone you are.
I randomly came across this blog through a few clicks and links from around the web.
Over the past few weeks I've found it interesting to watch exactly what you guys get up to in London and the nature of your industry (or at very least the nature of juniors in London).
After skimming over your back catalogue of posts and looking over the work you've done I agree with some of what 12:04pm had to say.
It seems that you guys just love advertising too much.
It's just advertsing. Ink on paper.
Maybe the reason you're having trouble growing as creatives is because you are too busy trying to become what you think an advertising person is. Instead you should be living life more.
Rather than spend all your time with your head in award books and trying to come up with wacky ads, go and do something different to give yourself a new perspective on something.
Go skydiving. Visit an art exhibition of a visual style you don't like. Read a childrens book. Take acid. Something.
Fuck your brain up, re-wire it. Because right now your heads are filled with advertising bullshit. It's not the be all and end all. The only way to be good at it is to understand people and have a good perspective on what's important to them.
Right now you only seem to care about what is important to ad people. Sure, that's important to get your foot in the door but once you're in there your job is to understand the people you're selling product to and do it in the most creative and engaging way.
Then at the end of the day you go home and do something other than think about ads.
Try it. Because my opinion is that the way you're approaching things at the moment isn't working. Ask any creative and they'll say changing the way you think and attacking problems from a different angle is paramount to having a new idea.
Put it in to practice on yourself and see what happens.
All the best from a fellow creative (an employed one).
Sounds like very good advice above. It might sounds obvious to many, but give it a go and see what happens.
I whole heartedly agree with Anon 1:10
It's like comment deja vu.
Yeah, like everyone knows the answer of how to get a job.
Taking acid, reading a kids book, going to see the latest exhibition by Stephan Strovenciche, thats sounds as much of a cliche of what a creative is "meant" to do as watching ads all the time.
Just keep your head down, work hard and maybe you'll get hired, maybe you won't.
I'm off to take some acid, oh wow, a pink unicord riding a segway through a hoop of burning peanut shells. Awesome.
re 1.10
have to agree but your tone is rather annoying.
Wal, you are an advertising cliche, someone who thinks they have to act cool, try and look cool, be wacky, write a blog...
creative directors are not llloking for cliches, the industry sadly has enough of them already.
I know how you can get a job... there is a hidden secret:
become an account exec.
Re. 1.35
What's a unicord?
Happy Thought, I think the person who asked that was taking the piss. Sadly, everyone knows people will only use the internet to watch tv, who can honestly be bothered with applications, micro-sites and all that crap?
100% bang on.
Digital geeks get over it.
Or it could be something to do with digital?
Im saying this because im ATL and I can't understand how the internet works.
taking acid is a must! or at least some ketamine! i took both on the same night, almost died, but now im full time in a prestigious advertising agency. so hey! go out and get fucked - what's the worse that can happen?
i disagree, a night like this could easily spark some inspiration if these two are trying to crack one of their D&AD briefs! Who's to say that Jai and Wal don't go out and get on the jack and jills every night, bring back a couple of tasty russian hookers and snort lines of coke off their fannies? I like to think this is what they do in their spare time but just vet what they decide to tell us!
*unicorn* maybe?
4.37 - really!
yogi bear
How many of you ATL people are getting bonuses this year? Very few I feel. Prepare for the coal. Happy Thought must be in stitches reading some of those comments. Who goes spends time on computers these days? Google it and you will surprised, or not. Getting back to the internet bullying, has anyone else noticed that Wally and Jai look like they have put on a few pounds? You clowns have it all wrong. Acid? Nope. ‘Jack & Jills’? nope. Weed? Spot on, roll another fat one Wal.
@ above... Slight typo in the middle before you clowns comment back.
Bill and Chris...
I like those XXXL t-shirts boys.
Re: 'How many of you ATL people are getting bonuses this year?' Yeah, because that's why we took jobs above the line, for the money. Sure. God, I could've earned 3 times what I earn now if I'd succumb to the lures of the 'DM & Digital Demons' as I used to call them...but no, I held out for an above the line job to produce decent work. Standards and all that...
I find it odd that people slight digital for a lack of idea, when the work is as conceptual in nature as anything I see in print or on TV. I mean yes OK banners are hardly going to light the world on fire, but making a game or other interactive element where users actually play with the idea can hardly be seen as not having an idea.
I'd say there is as much bad online ads and sites as there are shite TV ads or boring print ads. The idea of standards is moronic, you abstract the two mediums down into two warring factions, chalking up "good idea" marks, when they play totally different games. Very few TV ads get good hits on YouTube, people don't want to watch "ads" on the internet, they want to watch fun stuff.
These attacks seem nothing more than job racism and prejudice. Gorilla started out online and went onto TV, brillaint. But some of the ebst virals have had news tv coverage and the like, it all crosses over. the idea is key in all aspects. Anyone who thinks otherwise is being narrowminded.
Cease this foolishness.
to the chap above and the fool at 5.20... time to face facts, digital creatives/agencies are not the future ... the future is ATL places producing more digital work, work with actual ideas.
I'm bored of naive digital creatives being all smug, I bet most good ATL could get jobs in a digital place if they wanted, I doubt the opposite could be said.
If you are that good, show us some of your work.
Or shut up.
You are giving us a bad name.
08:08 - I completely agree.
08.08- There are plenty of ATL agencies currently doing shite digital work. Think about where these 'Digital Creatives' will be going after all this recession has blown away. ATL will pay good money for them. As for Digital Creatives not getting in ATL agencies? It all depends how you were taught. If an idea works on a post it note, then it will work on any media. Just because they work in digital it does not mean the process of thinking is different. It's all about the execution.
Gimp in a suit.
8.08 - Completely true.
Its digital people who are constantly feeling the need justifying themselves.
Its boring, move on. We don't care where you work!
Amen poster above me.
12.14 is bang on.
Hey Guys, you did indeed! why didn't you come say hi!? Maybe it was because of Jai's beard that we didn't see you, we were kind of stuck in the middle of the theatre most of the night but left pretty early, thought it was a good night all in all - except for the guy playing the accordion.
It's digital creatives that keep being pointlessly attacked. If someone shouted that all ATL work was shit you'd rush to defend it too.
I agree with 12:14 though, we shouldn't care where people works. It's all just advertising. If you think it's boring then stop poking at it. The digital guys are hardly going to let you take a verbal swing at them and then let you walk away are they? Moron.
You do agree that most digital is pretty shit though don't you?
I'm 09:19:00 PM and I think most of everything is pretty shit, but I ignore it rather than tar an occupation with it.
I do think though that there has been digital work that has defined it as a medium. I think most TV ads are shit until something truely amazing comes on (pretty soon all TV ads will just be "it's Xmas! Buy our shit!" ads anyway, or if not that more pseudo science bullshit for Gernier) but would I say that TV is shit because of that? Of course not. Digital is still very much a fledgling medium, to hate on it for what it is now feels like a waste of energy. Go buy/borrow/steal a copy of advertising now: digital, read it, then come back again if you still feel the same way with some good reasons apart from "it's shit" and maybe we can talk.
It's going to be an interesting few years, and then history will be written by the victors anyway.
(I dread to think what your oppinion on mobile advertising is)
Most of advertising now: digital is a pile of cack.
When it comes to cutting edge advertising I struggle to recall more than 5 decent digital pieces of work. I don't think the same would be said for ATL in the last 5 years.
9.19 I think its digital people that are always attacking ATL creatives. Why would it be the other way round?
You're right though all the TV is shit. But digital is worse.
Much worse.
Re: 19.09 why you on here at 11.35 to see responses to your shitty comments.
Sad o.
Digital has had it's hey day...the ones I remember, when digital was still a novelty, are: Subservient Chicken, Men of Metal, Beta 7, that Mini email...and that's about it. It's normal now, the novelty has worn off, people can't be bothered anymore, it's all too much effort now we've all been desensitized to it. And this comes from someone who loves ideas...and if I'm saying this, god knows what the real people think.
My word you lot are all so boring. I don't know anyone in any profession that sits there and analyses it so much and talks of nothing but their job.
it's like 43 Alan Partridges have posted comments on here.
44 including you, prat. 45 including me.
I work in digital - but I don't give a rat's arse whether atl is better or not.
What i can say is that it ain't as easy as it looks. Does anyone actually know how much work goes into making a decent fucking 30 kilobyte banner ad? Art direction has to be as cute as posssible. And no, I'm not talking about white and orange easyjet rotating gifs.
I'm only remaining anon to protect myself but wouldn't it be great to see the faces behind all the acerbic comments. I bet half of those amazing ATL blogger are just on placement... There's so much silly willy waving on this blog
Oh and just one more thing.
Glue London rules!
@ anon 09:37:00
There are such things as different time codes you moron. I checked the blog in when I started and finished work. Just because I'm not on GMT you think it's another reason to attack fellow content contributors. Sheesh.
"....30 kilobyte banner ad? Art direction has to be as cute as posssible. And no, I'm not talking about white and orange easyjet rotating gifs."
Blah, blah, blah etc. tech waffle.
Bore off!
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