The stuff they did like though we're accord with as well. So we're currently working with these strategies, to turn them into great campaigns for more suitable brands. And yes, we're quite excited with the outcome we have on our hands so far.
Overall we liked the advertising workshops, the briefs were not very ideal for a portfolio, as they are either charity brands (NSPCC) or very niche products (Rexel eco stationary, D&AD workshops). Nether less it was good practice. And we've met lots of nice people on the way. Thanks D&AD.
I know TFL may seem bad to some people, but is it really a registerd chairty now?
yes, its not a charity, you're right. it's a public message thingy, and that's in the same category.
KEEP GOING GUYS! You've worked hard, and you are nice people, you deserve a job.
Thanks for NOTHING D and AD more like... those of us on the digital workshop had a mere two and then heard nothing more from the "organiser". That woman couldnt organise her way out of a plastic bag. We left messages/emails you name it, and heard nothing back. Glad you guys felt it was helpful but it seems to me that D and AD is happy to take what little money we have and give us nothing in return. Not impressed.
Do you have to pay for these workshops? If so how much and is it a bit of a racket?
omg are they really that bad? doubting whether i should bother paying money to enter now.
It's £10 for the competition brief. Then £50 if you get on the course. Double that for those in teams, you both have to pay.
I also did the workshop this year and found it useful in terms of making me get off my arse and do some spec work. I agree though, the briefs weren't always great in terms of portfolio pieces.
Previous workshops I've done have been better in terms of agencies and briefs, but as I said I got what I wanted out of it. So I guess it depends on your expectations maybe.
The digital one sounds shocking. That's really not on.
^^^^^If you need the workshop to make you 'get off your arse and do some spec work' then you're already doomed. What a terrible attitude to have from the outset. You should be doing spec work every day, constantly changing stuff. And yes, you do need to because you don't have a job.
I did the workshop two years ago at it was only £15 to do it. 6 agencies, prize at the end for the best book. Got me a job. Shame to hear things have gone to pot at the D&AD.
So Basically JaiWal, everything we told you ie not to do these workshops was right. You two should have enough contacts to go back and see people with your book without doing these crappy workshops. Go back and see people that are high up with new work.
When are you guys going to learn, you know (or should) the game by now so stop wasting your time target 5 agencies and keep going back till they get you in. Even if you have to see them 100 times.
Can you put the work up that went down well? I'd say put all of it up but I doubt you'll want to do that?
Get the work up, pronto.
Can you help me out with a query?
As you've been to a fair few agencies in your time, which one would you say has the best looking girls?
Look forward to hearing your views.
lol i kno wanna kno as well & i would like 2 see the D&ad work u produced. thanks
100% JWT! its insane how much fit totty is floating about. I fell in love with the receptionist. Still fighting a restraint order as we speak! Im getting the horn just typing about the JWT girls. They are in a league of their own.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/dandaduk/2627014367/ this guy got a pencil in more ways than one
Jr: So what takes a young creative from being a cover band in a pub to the next level?
T: Well the thing is you gotta look for your breaks. You gotta take a shit job and turn it into a winner. I don’t actually think there is a bad brief; it’s more what you bring to it and what you sell on it. We get scripts from agencies that we look at and say ‘what are you guys paid for?’ No offence guys, but you do, some of them are absolutely abysmal. People look at our work and it’s a total unknown what we bring to the table and what the agency did – but I can tell you most of our jobs we pretty much wrote them and took the agency along for the ride.
1.30 - What the fuck are you on about?
I think you've disappeared up your own arse as that makes little sense.
Back on topic, the girls at BBH must surely be up there. It feels like a cat walk show's going on.
Has anyone ever worked at Ogilvy? I guess they must have a fair few knocking about.
the law of averages says, the bigger the agency, the better chance of more hot/fit/sexy girls/lads there'll be!
And, what i think Anon 1:30 is trying to point out is that it's your job as a creative to make a standard brief work for you. There's no such thing as a BAD brief.
birds at lowe love it! propa slags. i was only on placement there for three months, managed to steam through 3 of them! not at the same time, i mean im not Russell Brand!
Go check out the blonde team at Saatchi and Saatchi.
sorry this may not be relevant to you but check my blog please :) i am a illustrator :) - thanks oushka
Some nice stuff (above) but smacks of desperation touting for readers on someone else's blog!
Back to the chicks, yeah JWTs receptionist is amazing!
Anyone got a visual on Trotty's daughter, i've heard good things!
hands off Trotty's daughter! thats thin ice home boy! her dad's a living legend and has the authority to have you assassinated immediately!
Yep, her old partner was amazing, shame she had a fat rock on her finger.
Good shout on the BBH...some pretty tidy girls at Mother as well.
We need someone to start a blog about advertising poon. More interesting than this place I'd imagine.
Like that'd be hard...this place is like a bloody ghost town....1 boring post a week, i'm going to stop visiting soon. Shame, it used to be good.
"We need someone to start a blog about advertising poon."
Do it! Hugely misogynystic but it'll bring some giggles to the office. And the girls are welcome to do the same thing for their Diet Coke moments.
Yeah Ditto what Liz said, two digital workshops then Lydia didn't reply for 3 months. total absolute shit. i've left 15 or so voice mails, and sent at least 10 emails with no reply. "yes, she's in the office" exclaims the receptionist - yet still no response. absolutely disgusting organisation from the D&AD and terrible that they've come to this.
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