We dug through all the films and ordered them by views. There are some good ones and bad ones. It's quite interesting that a couple of them are takes on Sony/Cadbury ads fom Fallon. We like the top two. We think that it's a great assignment, creating something viral is one of the hardest things to do, yet everyone, no matter the budget can do it - perfect for young creatives.
- 38851 Views - Raspberry Duet by Tom, Kim and Sarah
- 14684 Views - Real Beat Boxing by Matt and Matt
- 2502 Views - Cadbury Unicycles by Tom and Sarah
- 1610 Views - Terrible Angels by Linda and Alex
- 1200 Views - Dynamite Surfing 2 by Ben and Milo
- 1160 Views - Hit Me by Mark
- 941 Views - Computers in Love by Sam and Jack
- 902 Views - The Hippest Act by Mandy and Laura
- 837 Views - Juicy Balls Like No Other by Jill and Lucy
- 816 Views - When Times get Floppy by Jeff and Mark
- 765 Views - Boris Johnson by Nick and Dave
- 683 Views - Interview with Cadbury Gorilla by Claire
- 668 Views - The Fridge by Ben
- 570 Views - Stress Relief by Laura
- 376 Views - The Disappearance of Bob by Michelle and Clem
- 369 Views - Friends float in space by Alex
- 185 Views - Alfred the Snake by Fiona and Sarah
are you mates with the top-hit videos creators? because you've almost certainly just guaranteed them the placement...
You scratch my back I'll scratch yours!
The top hit video is the best of them, we think. We haven't met those guys yet, though.
if you're unbaised and not favouring any particular team/creative, then shouldn't you make it a fair playing field and link to all the films?
It's a competition so obviously your recommendation will result in these teams receiving even more hits - which is all they need after all.
we linked all of them :) the reason we ordered them by hits, we dont think everyone can be bothered to go through all of them, so we didn't want readers to miss out on the good stuff. and the couple of hits wont make a difference at all if you see their numbers.
That really depends on the volume of hits you get on your blog, as to how many hits they may get.
The hits you also generate on your site have knock on effects, if they send it on to a friend, their friend does the same etc etc
So your decision in displaying and ordering them really can have an effect on the eventual winner.
I think you've done a really nice thing in featuring them at all. Very kind indeed.
That face shaking one that's doing so well has just been used in a Baily's liqueur ad. Stolen or coincidence?
I'm not being mean, I'm interested
If I'm thinking of the same ad as you Matt, it's not such a recent ad for Bailly's either.
In that case I guess I'm saying it could be 'stolen'/used for inspiration.
hello, I am Sarah, one of the three who made the Raspberry Duet film, thank you for your comments. I have not seen the Baily's advert yet - do you know who did it?
Hi Sarah! The ad they are talking about is for Bailey's by Nadine Akle and Ben Akers from BBH. Have a look:
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