Ah, leaving is always tough, especially after meeting a bunch of great people. After two months at
Leo Burnett London we packed our seven things and said good-bye to the friendliest agency we've been to. It's been a fabulicious time, we enjoyed it a lot. Cheers to Trevor, Ed, Tony, Bertie, Phil, Christen, Ollie, Richard, Ed, Rob, Nikki, Gaynor and lots of other people we were lucky to meet.
Now – entering portfolio mode and starting the countdown. 24 days to
Wieden+Kennedy. Impressions from Leo's:

did the other team get hired?
re 07.26
eeeerrrr what are you on about you 'idiot'!!!!!!
a simple question seeing that there where two placement teams and Wal said there was a possible job at the end.
nope, they didn't hire the other team.
Not such a stupid question then is it 7:26. That wasn't the answer you were expecting? Who's left looking like the idiot now then?
I thought the placement was 3 months Wal - did I get that wrong, or you chose to cut it short?
What will you be doing with your now 23 dyas until W&K?
are you trying to be ironic with the "did you choose to cut it short" or just being moranic?
23 will be spent wisely. we're off to a couple of bookcrits, we have a new brand list to work down to replace two campaigns and i'll be in germany for a week. also exhibitions are coming up and i can catch up with stuff, the wire and other media meth. also some freelance design work needs to be done to pay the rent.
Freelance work sounds good :)
Does Jai have any copy freelance work to tide him over too!?
Will you be going to the Bucks graduation show this Fri?
There might have been the opportunity to stay at leo's for 3 months, but Jai & Wal chose to only do 2 for any number of reasons; prepare for W&K, freelance work, hols, books crits...
So it's a perfectly valid question to ask whether 3 months were possible, or if they chose to leave instead of being told to go.
I've left an agency with the option to stay longer, although that was to go and work elsewhere rather than count down to a placement.
we did not choose to leave, they've have new teams coming in for leo lab on monday.
and hell yes, we're going to the bucks show!
shame. I've heard it's rubbish.
What's rubbish csm? The bucks degree show?
What did you gain from your time at Leo's then Wal?
Are you going to the Shelf awards too?
Hey, totally off subject here and you probably already know but pics of you guys are on Portfolio Night site now -http://portfolionight.com/photogallery/v/London/DSC_0298.jpg.html
You're in pics 91, 92 & 117 as well (no I'm not weird lol)
cheers hayley, we just saw the facebook newsletter and checked them out. how's things with you after all's done?
yes, we'll show up at the shelf I reckon.
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