the wanted ads competition we went to a couple of weeks ago? The two winning teams got a chance to compete in the Best YET (Best Young European Team) challenge last Thursday in Stockholm. And yes, they've won. Just like here in London Zoe and Miranda from
Lean Mean Fighting Machine won the show, and Enrique and Borja, now on a job trial at
St.Luke's, made the runners up. The brief was to promote Lego's warrior toy series 'Bionicle'. We've got our hands on the winning ad from Zoe & Miranda, it's quite sweet:

Kudos to both teams for beating 19 european teams, London represent! We'll be chasing the dream next year.
ups, a small hickup with blogger releasing this post empty and with an improvised headline :) all fixed now.
Bravissimo x
I'm glad you corrected EBST to BEST!
Best in Europe? You should mum dance!
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