I made my way to Sloane Square last week to visit the new
Saatchi Gallery in the Duke of York's HQ. I've never been to one of their galleries and was quite curious what I will find in this place which '
aims to provide an innovative forum for contemporary art, presenting work by largely unseen young artists or by established international artists whose work has been rarely or never exhibited in the UK'. The exhibition they have running to open this new venue is
The Revolution Continues: New Chinese Art.
For me contemporary art is a big gamble, most of the time there is a lot of junk with a few sweet pieces in between. Not this time. I was blown away by the fact that I liked most of the stuff in there. It's the kind of stuff I really dig. Give it a try, you can't go wrong, it's free, and it has just the right size, you won't get bored in there. Some of my favourite shots below.

Thing is with art. No-one is right and no-one is wrong.
My opinion of the exhibition was this:
It was utter shite. Crap and trollop. But the actual gallery is AMAZING. great flooring, lovely architecture.
The work was just shit. The wheelchairs okay, maybe alright and fun.
So my advice to all readers is this: Don't go. Don't waste your time. It is crap and unoriginal.
(and i'm quite a positive person)
id want to go there just to know that i have walked on the same floor at charles himself!
From what I see in your favourite shots, we go back to the same problem over and over again: modern art seems to only pay attention to craft -- the happy case -- and forget about the importance of actually transmitting something. I understand the importance of ambiental art, pure decorative art etc, but then again, modern artists NEVER have an actual message to deliver?
Last post M & C Saatchi, now the Saatchi gallery......is the next post going to be that you've been hired at Saatchi & Saatchi.
Pah! In their dreams maybe.
You guys are really harsh - i think this stuff is great, visually interesting but not arresting - as anca said there is no message being communicated - but then the thing with art is, it is not advertising and art doesn't actually have to conform to principles of communicative structure - it does not have to communicate anything... at all... Dadaism??? Communicated nothing, was about the coincidence, the moment, not trying to be contrived, whatever happens is something - but then again this is the message it conveyed - it's all a f*%king circle with art (music included) - one (as anon 1:14 said) subjective tradgedy - anyway great post - i'm confused.
I couldn't agree with you more anon 03:57.
I could agree with anon 03.57 more. We could hang out and agree on loads of other stuff.
I went the other day and found it pretty thought provoking. My biggest gripe was the fact that there was no message being delivered, but does that really matter? Are you just thinking as a creative? Just fall back in to your heads and let your mind walk free and you could be amazed. Or you could just admit defeat before going and think everything is utter shit. Final thoughts: Go visit, it's free.
@ 4.04 - That is the funniest comment I have read on this blog for a long time. Great for a boring Tuesday afternoon.
nice one.
Is it just me who feels that art doesn't have to have a message?
At leastb not one that appeals to everyone, infact not one that appeals to anyone but the artist. People who look at art are not consumers, they are voyeurs. Therefore it is upto them to understand the art rather than having the message flagged up for them.
It's art, not advertising and this should be remembered.
I stand by my last comment. This exhibition was shit. I know it doesn't have to have a message if it's 'art'... but it was still shit.
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