We are just collating all campaigns, and revising a few of them for a final D&AD advertising workshop book which we'll have to enter later today. It will then be sent to M&C Saatchi. They will look through them and give us feedback on all our work next week – should be quite interesting. We're pretty happy with most of the stuff in there. After that's done there's gonna be even more time to rock our own briefs.
im not ashamed to say that i am hooked to this blog. good luck wal. mike and J
Best of luck with your review from M&C Saatchi :)
I like to rock my briefs too.
How many new projects do you have to send in for review? Sounds like a large amount of new work, which is awesome.
We love content!
I see your snap of the day is a picture of Adam & Eve. You sneak back in for a snap?
I guess it'll be an old snap, and only now put it up. But I might be wrong :)
You get your folio together in time then? Go as well as you'd like? Anything you wish you had time to change?
Best of luck ;).
Can we see what you sent in?
Best of luck, I have everything crossed.
Do the D&AD still give a 'prize' for the best book at the workshops? Used to be a placement apparently.
so anyway... fallon juniors
lovely day outside!
re: 5.42:
anyone up for a digital argument!? ]-[appy Thought?
Be original?
Generate a debate people will want to contribute to!
xx! all the best 4 you guys!
re: 11:41
Bet you're a digital 'creative'/monkey.
Here we go again :)
Bit presumptious mate! Infact I am a freelance writer.
Don't even rise to it Matt!
They'll soon get bored arguing with themselves.
A freelance retail writer, you freelance retail writer - bet you did those DFS ads rock star!
There we go again - a freelance writer, not a digital freelance writer or a retail writer!
Wal - your write up about yourself & Jai is out of date. I beleive you turned 26 not too long ago?
Home time soon - have a lovely weekend all :)
I'm a Fallon junior. and proud.
what are you?
I work behind the perfume counter in house of fraser.
Pretty and proud.
Come on Mr Anonymous Freelance writer. Show us your face. Let us see what hides under your mysterious façade. Come out and play. You got us all at the edge of our seats. Our fingernails are suffering. Release us from this unbearable suspense and present yourself.
I'm obviously a nobody, I'm just curious to know who this witty and edgy character actually is.
my mate said talking about adverts is geeky, are we geeks? are we?
@ Above
I think we are. At lease, I know I am.
The term geek is defined by the Oxford Engligh Dictionary as (and I paraphrase) a peculiar or otherwise odd person, especially one who is perceived to be overly obsessed with one or more things.
So anyone who hosts a bLog about, talks about or interacts with advertising out of choice beyond their 9-5 requirements could easily be seen as being a bit of a geek. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so, the difference between geekiness and dedication are in the eye of the beholder. Adland has a community that needs things like bLogs, award ceremonies and D&AD lectures in order to helf sustain it, so we are part of a micro-culture, which gives us a sheilding against true geekdom.
With the rise of applied technology such as Email, Facebook and arguably the internet in general, geek-chic is something that society is willing to tolerate. What we need to avoid becoming are nerds; hopeless shut-ins that despise everything not imediately associated with their chosen obsession (and often hate anyone else that also likes what they do). It's fine to be geeky, just as long as we don't lose that perspective and turn to the dark side!
By 'the dark side' I take it you mean turning to become a digital creative?
No, I meant turning into a fully blown nerd.
That and posting backward, myopic, small-minded, snipey comments anonymously. But that goes without saying.
A ha ha
Happy Thought, the Marcus Brigstocke of advertising comebacks .
I'm not sure I want to be a geek, but I get what you're saying. That other anon is like a stuck record no?
Marcus Brigstock is a friend of mine. And let me tell you, there's not even a whiff of Marcus about Happy Thought.
There's more than one freelance writer commenting then!
Who are you and where'd you come from (freelance0 writer???
You've got to worry about the state of professional copywriting if some freelancers don't even know how to spell.
Infact isn't, in fact, a word.
Jeez. Louise.
(freelance) writer
Yeah right, we all believe you. And I'm mates with Ghandi
@ anon 11.30
If you're comparing me to captain corduroy because I wrote some words in a list then that's pretty tenuous. I don't think you can be Brigstocke-esque and work in any form of advertising (Although I do hate Daily Mail readers and watch Dr. Who with Mitch Benn). It also means people pipe up to disagree with your comparison, so for the sake of the comment-flow I suggest we draw a line under it, cool? :)
Back on topic, it's next week now J&W. When do we hear about your work crit!?
re: 1:20
No. I actually am.
(and i'm not a freelance writer. someone wrote that in a few days ago. but i liked the sound of it and have subsequently adopted it)
That comment above, wasn't me, this is me. Or is it?
This comment was removed
this comment was removed by a tubby little nerd.
I've removed my own comment!
Self editing.
Help! Were caught in an infinate loop...
I anon therefore I am...
Come on guys. Get something else up here. This is getting boring.
Apparently they've stopped blogging. This was the last ever post.
Wal would not go out like that. He'd write one of his new philosophical type posts about why he has decided to call it day.
Keep the faith.
Matt, the Crit is only tonight.
Hope it goes well
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