Let's see what the advertising god themselves have to say about the first job, the portfolio and dedication, all things which are discussed in the thread below.
Black Bag, a worldwide creative recruitment agency interviewed some of the finest creatives about a career in advertising. These bits I like best:

“…The only thing I know is that if you want to make money one day, the only thing people are paying for in this industry, is the quality of your portfolio. It’s up to anyone to decide at what moment they want to move for money, but obviously, the more you work, the better your portfolio is. The best one you can get. It’s as simple as that. People will be ready to pay you because you’re the star of the moment or whatever, but at the end of the day, invest in your portfolio and one day you’ll be able to do exactly what you want. You’ll have the freedom to choose the agency, freedom to move from one country or another or the freedom to get lots of money. Portfolio means money.”

“…I'm a really big believer that your first or second job can really make who you are. You can be really imaginative but if you get bad Creative Directors at the beginning of your career they can point you in the wrong direction and make you do hack work and you may never get it back.”

"If I am gonna to be in this industry I wanna be the best at it. You can't guarantee that you're the most talented, I mean that's something I couldn't guarantee. But I could guarantee that I'd work harder than anybody else. For the first six or seven years, which is terribly for my social life, I'd probably slept in the agency two or three nights a week. I would work as long as it took. I forced myself to write as many ideas as I possibly could. So I would do stupid things like, I'd get layout pads and fill it with a hundred squares. Like post-it notes. And I couldn't leave until I filled each box with an idea, even if I loved the first idea."
Have a look at their site
Diary of a Creative Director for more interviews.
Interesting stuff!
Lee Garfinkle kind of puts the kaibosh on all the comments on the previous posts.
"your first or second job can really make who you are"
I wonder where Garfinkle's first job was...
Lee's comments may contradict many of those in the previous post, but his view isn't 100% in line with other succesful creatives either. There's no right or wrong answer here!
@happy thought
I think he might have known that if it was!
No kidding? AKQA was but a lowly web shop when ol' Lee started out. If it existed at all, so that's not altogether surprising.
Droga has a killer ethos too, if slightly masochistic. The kind of drive we all aspire to I guess. I'm a big fan of their Air Force One "viral" for Ecko.
I hope Garfinkle's parter was called Simon...
Droga sounds awesome, the kind of guy that would be awesome to have as a CD...
shame its ny and oz. Heck of a plane ticket to buy if you want to work there.
@ ]-[appy Thought:
It still is a lowly web shop. Just a bigger one.
You wish you had a bigger one.
Attack Matt! Attack Digital! Is that how it's working?
Best piece of advice for Jai and Wal
Beggars can't be choosers.
They don't seem like beggers really? They don't seem to need a job, just want one. Hence being able to happy travel on the placement merry-go-round until now.
You're absolutely right though, beggers can't be choosers. That might be why others take up the job offers at 'average' agencies and can't hang tight til their good enough or the opportunity arises at a top agency.
@Anon 10.25
Seems to be.
Bring on your digital prejudice! I need a laugh at lunchtimes.
Just have a look at your peparami work mate.
Digital is a medium, ideas will always rule.
word to 11:55... i'm with him/her.
It is a medium, and ideas evolve within it - but people can specialise - craft a specific skill and therefor make the idea work that much better!
The work hand in hand, ideas need designers, digital, illustrators... to get them to their potential.
Sorry about the typo's above, writing quickly but you know what I mean without me having to correct them.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the medium is there to serve the idea.
You're polishing turds if you think it's the other way round.
EG: Transformers the movie v Godfather. Which is the most technologically advanced? Which is the better film.
All about the script, all about the idea.
Gotta agree with Luke and Wilf, Droga sounds like he'd be a good CD.
Jai and Wal (or is it just JaiWal now?!?)... hope you guys aren't commenting on this post because your too busy with your heads down next to a pile of screwed up scamps.
Everyone else... fuck this Digital vs Anti Digital squabble. If both mediums worked closer together then it'd be a better day for all of us. It's a shame 'Catcus Kid' has been pulled, a true example of two mediums united though a good idea.
Yeah that cactus boy was great.
It really made me give a shit.
People, real people don't look at ideas. They look at executions. No matter what medium it's in.
Content is king, just look at youtube, those BMW films and lynx.com
Does lynx.com have any more of an "idea" behind it than the peperami one? No. But's fun to play with and is a place for a brand to live rather than to sell you anything.
Subservient Chicken had an idea, but it was an ad online, Burger King's actual website is totally different. You look at digital though poster eyes and its going to look wack. That's why it's a pointless argument. Perhaps its time to leave it alone huh?
Regards from the US. Raining over there is it?
It's quite sunny actually.
Thanks for asking.
No rain today (yet at least)
Rain rain go away,
Come again another day. :)
Drogba sounds like a wanker.
You base that conclusion on what Anon 1009?
I'm not sure he's saying quite the things I'd agree with 100% but certainly would not as far as to say 'wanker'
Erik sounds like a CD more on my wave length although all have valid points to make.
"mind-wanking on the interweb"
That's a classic.
You're right! That's Jai & Wal's fan base you're insulting...
Anon. 01.35
I think dyslexia was found in you.
You tepid men-wanker.
garfinkel looks like the third mario brother.
Anon 1.46
I've just got fat fingers.
What joke? Where? When?
The treatment table is all Dean Ashton is about.
re: 9:05
'Drogba' is a footballer who plays for Chelsea. He dives to win penalties.
Now you feel stupid.
Go on, apologise to 10:09 and 08:12...
Why should he/she feel stupid - football is not the be all and end all.
I'm sure there are many many people who won't know of 'Drogba' and would have missed the oh so witty joke.
Post something new, I'm getting bored.
"why are wa waiting..."
re: 09:18
You're right. I'm sure there millions and millions and millions of people who don't know who Drogba is but do know of "Droga".
a household name isn't he!?
It was a fucking good joke. Tosser.
ha ha ha hee hee hee
Look I'm laughing at the joke
Very articulate aren't you Anon 4:03 I guess you are not a writer!
Grow up 01:26!
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