Today saw us bright and early on
Fallon's doorstep, eager and waiting to show our work to Chris and John, the lads behind Skoda Bake, Budweiser Popcorn and The List. It took quite a while to see them but it was well worth the wait – we appreciate them making time for us. The guys are super friendly and gave us some solid advice, we’ll be snapping up their words of wisdom and will get in there to show that we mean business.
We also got to see Fallon's new offices on Great Titchfield Street which they moved to just this week. They're pretty impressive granted there are a few missing floor boards and many a builders bum about. Although we haven’t seen the other floors, the creatives have got it quite nice, very spacious and lots of new furnishings to get marker pens on.

looks like a solicitors office. ugh.
either that or wagamamas meets carphone warehouse.
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