Last week we found
faceyourpockets.com a pretty cool project by two Russians. It's pretty simple, put the contents of your pockets or other interesting stuff together with your face on your A4 scanner and press Scan. Above are ours.
We are properly off this week, no crits and a little break. Jai's doing London & Wal's in Hamburg. Moin moin.
love it! not sure how you stumbled on this though...?
Jai's doing London.
Sounds like a porn from the 70s.
err why do you carry a photograph of yourself in your pocket?
because it is a lot easier than carrying a mirror around with you
God you guys are crazy.
This blogs gone way down hill.
Put some more work up, that seems to wind everyone up.
the pics are in my wallet because of my sister, my mom and my girlfriend.
Interesting the order you put them in Wal! :)
This is fun. I like that picture project.
Some images are really amazing.
I bought a book a while ago called 'what's in my bag', it's on a similar note.
Hey, saw the orange raccoon as part of the world's first internet balloon race and have signed up - see my fella at http://www.andrewgrill.com/blog
see my fella at X domian could be taken the wrong way
Hi Wal, Jay, Proxikid and everyone else. Yeah, I also heard about the 'what's in my bag' book. Thats a great idea. I actually even have seen some TV Shows where they copied that idea and put the host asking all sort of questions about what their guests had in their bags. And of course, jokes were all around it. Pretty clever of him don't u think? A whole show out of nothing. Now, about the 'whats in the pocket vs. bag idea'. fact is, guys don't have bags - at least the majority - so, I think this more like an 'everyone-can-get-in' idea. A more universal one. No, it is no entirely original, but at least it comes with an upgrade. So at the end of the day, they did the world a little bit more fun. And thats just brilliant.
About the Aha gathering. Count me in ;)
P.S: Proxikid, could you borrow me that book? Please? I assure, I pledge, I promise that I will not return it to you, and every time you ask for it I will invent a new excuse. Ok? Cya Tuesday.
Sure Jose, I can lend you the book :)
Someone CAN'T borrow you a book!
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