This blog design seems to get dusty. Just ordered the whole set of Make My Logo Bigger Cream in order to funk it up, bring the colours out more and that. Aaahrw, I cannot wait to rub that Emotionator onto my design and harvest those thousands of new arriving visitors, all thrilled by the visuals. See yourself at
www.makemylogobiggercream.comFor preparation, I started already by labeling ALL the previous posts, so readers can navigate quicker through the content, even I have to compromise my dear un-usability for that.
Hey dude thanks for the comment over at my poor excuse for a bLog! I don't know how you found it, you're probably the only person who's seen it!
I'm in the process of taking it a bit more seriously now, when I do I'm going to get a links tab down the side, perhaps we can swap addresses? I await the new look site with tense anticipation. I may not be able to move from the edge of my seat... Please hurry, I have to pee!
Ma cool Waldemar. I think this is my first comment on your blog, although i read your blog for a while. I really think u have a very conspicuous mind and some great laughs to share with everyone.
Stay cool.
Long live creativistan.
matt, i know everything ;) sure we shall exchange links, with pleasure! tell me when you'd like to crack it open to the public. i wouldnt wait for the redesign if i were you, i tend to take a long tme with such things ;)
@lex, glad you like the stuff! had a look at your blogger profile and need to complement you on your music taste, good stuff! creativistan forever!
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