So I did. They offered me an art director's job in Qatar – with a wonderful payment, you can dream of as a junior creative in London. The specs: huge client portfolio, big budget just for fake ads, no brand strategies – win awards, loads of 'em. Tempting. Very. Worth it? Let's see:
I dream myself of working in a creative London agency. It's a though one. Would it be easier to get into a good one after winning awards? Awards for fake ads, in categories which haven't been exploited that much? Could I come back to London from Qatar after a year and get a job easier? I know quite a bunch of people who came to London from other countries. They had agency experience, they had awards. Still, they couldn't gain ground in the city. After some time and countless meetings with headhunters they had to travel back to their country. Of course – there, people would throw jobs after them. London's international ad victims.
I turned the offer down. Maybe you would think that I'm really picky. Yes I am.
I'm not looking for that one ideal agency, I'm not after a big name. I want a place where I can grow and learn stuff I admire. And that is not necessarily ads just made to win awards. And hell yeah – I consider doing that outside of London. As long as I'm getting better there it doesn't matter where it is or how much they pay.
Coherent? Or stupid?
You made the right decision but most people will naturally think you are dumb.
It would have been a great experience, and couldn't have ever put you in a worse situation - a job is a job.
But, it's good to know what you want. You're definately right to go for agencies that'll help you develop, learn... and chasing big name agencies might not be the best option as you say - they might not nuture and develop your talent as much as others might.
Only you know what's right, you've got to trust you're insticts. Everything happens for a reason, and if you really want something and work hard at it - it'll happen soon enough.
Fortune favours the brave.
PS: someone has similarly mentioned this in one of your previous posts, it's clearly a common experience.
I've learned that no matter what you do, it has to be what you love and you can live with. No matter how much the payment. But if the payment is good, then it's an added advantage.
Some people would think that you are dumb, but hey.
I lived in Qatar for 4 years and went back there this summer to catch up with friends...oh dear. It's an 80s time warp, tiny when compared to Dubai, strict compared to Dubai and quite frankly really boring. You made the right choice. It's ok but to work...no way
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