Personally I was amazed (in a bad way) by Alex Bogusky's (Crispin Porter + Bogusky) new haircut. He looks somewhat like after a rehab. But that's fine. He's a great person, a great creative. I admire his view and opinion on ideas and advertising, and. Don't miss out on this audio interview with him.

Wow! He got ten years older in just one year.
Things that might have happened to him:
a) he got cancer
b) he got aids
c) he is on drugs
d) he worked his ass off to get this price
e) boulder colarado is a bigger difference to miami than he thought
I would say: bad lighting on stage.
Here is something to compare:
(Alex Bogusky appears around -3:10)
Looks very healthy and slightly tanned.
Blimey! :)
My wife sent me this and i thought i should respond before my mom sees it and gets worried. The truth is I dying. But at the same pace as most people. I'm not sick and I'm not on drugs. I have lost some weight commuting by bike so perhaps that and the stress of the Cannes stage created the death mask like image.
thanks for leaving a comment alex, so we all agree, cannes needs better stage lighting next year.
we're all happy that unlike samson, you're creative strength isn't in your hair :)
Did you hear that Paris Hilton joins CPB?
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