Thursday, November 12, 2009


Remember my former partner Kristin? She's the one I started this blog with three years ago. She's still doing awesome things in London and just started a new project with her creative partner Nora: Überbuli

It's a duo of a crazy German and an even crazier Hungarian hunting for creative projects in advertising by doing all sorts of things to initiate that. They've got some work up over at carbonmade you might be interested in. They're planning more things in the near future – so stay tuned and join their twitter fellowship if you're curious about the adventures of those girls @uberbuli


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice stuff!

Anonymous said...

Looks slick, professional, pretty darn good agencies too.

Anonymous said...

it's pretty good stuff, but i was expecting much more if she has been out of uni as long as yourself

Anonymous said...

You don't have to show everything you've done you know! I think they've shown a good selection.

It's a step above the stuff Wal has been producing, although his latest showing of work - 'intense energy' is much improved.

How long have they been working together Wal? I think I'm right to say one piece in the folio is one you'd worked on with Kris?

Anonymous said...

This is great but have they actually had a real job in london??

They seem to just be placement after palcement and call it freelancing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not impressed I've seen much better fom grads
That have been out for less than a year - I would expect more.

Anonymous said...

Same kind of thing really - freelance or placement.

Freelance you're brought in because you can produce the work needed and warrant a wage - placement you go in, do the work and get a pittance back in return back take away the experience...

Looks pretty good to me!

Anonymous said...

RE: 06:33

Thats complete crap. In that case Ive "freelanced" at WK and Fallon.

Oh, except thats a lie.

Freelance is being trusted and payed a lot of money to come up with the goods.

Placements are someone either taking a chance or taking the piss.

Not the same thing at all.

Anonymous said...

go angry person thats been at fallon and wk!!!

Anonymous said...

i like the way they describe themselves as...A crazy German and an even crazier Hungarian, blimey!

That's soooo cool.

I wonder if they do really mad shit, like poo in each others sandwiches, you know, just for a laugh.