Some of the things they've said stuck with me, one of them was that television is a shared media, people watch it together and talk about what they've seen. They also shared insights about the craft, like the importance of characters in a piece of film, sometimes over the plot. The right choice of music being crucial and of course they discussed the current question of 'Is Tv dead?'.
The answer in my opinion is simple, it's film what's important and impactful, no matter on what screen it appears on. And clearly, no matter the media, it's all about the story being told, right?
"film director Danniel Kleinman who is a film director"
You need a copywriter son.
'i enjoyed' is there anything you two don't enjoy. it sounds like a year three piece on what i did at the weekend. (this weekend i went swimming - i enjoyed it a lot)
Oh yeah what i was meaning to say was what's happening to your so called weekly campaign?
So did you guys get to show anyone there your work. What did they have to say if so? would be interesting to know their thoughts on innocent and j20.
What the hell does Tony Davidson look like?! I'll tell you what: a crusty!
what's the story in Sony Balls or Honda Cog, Wal?
Or Gorilla?
Where's YOUR film for Cannes?
You can talk the talk and all that...
Hey Guys,
Sounds like it was useful, we tried to get across but had too much stuff for Friday morning, like panic amounts! Not a bad line up and all very different takes I'd imagine.
I've heard JH & TD talk at Six of the Best in Lincoln, quite a personal thing, but very insightful.
Did you get the reduced £20 fee? ha.
"The answer in my opinion is simple, it's film what's important and impactful, no matter on what screen it appears on."
Don't think they just need a copywriter. They need an English teacher too!
Weekly campaign!
Weekly campaign!
Weekly campaign!
Weekly campaign!
Turn ups. How very old.
As far as I can see you've done 2 campaigns in 6 months, one of which (J20) doesn't even make any sense.
It's ridiculous, it's like you guys saying you want to build a house then spending 6 months placing two bricks next to each other, only one of them isn't even a brick, it's a lettuce.
Two questions:
Did tony davidson, or tony D as you two like to call him, notice you?
Did he try and avoid you?
good socks.
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