Unlike most lecturey lectures, there were no long winded speeches that bored you half to death and half asleep. Instead, 13 speakers were invited on stage and were given 20 slides that lasted for 20 seconds each to tell us what they thought about stuff, all kinds of stuff. It was similar to Interesting 2007 last year, just a lot quicker.
There was one who stood out from the rest, perhaps because of his name (Sanky), perhaps because of his hair (big) or perhaps because he engaged the hell out of his audience for 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Whatever it was, I doubt anyone will forget the only slide of the evening that silenced the entire hall. He presented about 15 slides of stuff he loves, mostly funny and good ideas. Then he hit us with a picture of the falling man (9/11). 20 seconds of pindrop silence in the audience and nothing but applause thereafter.
A great evening full of AHA's, our favourite D&AD lecture so far.
so you're telling me everyone clapped 'the falling man' photo? no one groaned?!
The falling man slide stood out all right, it was fucking awkward not poignant.
It was wanky.
What was the point he was trying to make?
Brilliant format.
I thought there were some brilliant observations in the guy from LeanMeanFightingMachine presentation. Wished I'd written them down.
Could you post up links to some of the references the speakers made?
here's a few I can remember
Loved the slippers that lit up at night when you put them on so that kids could find their way to the toilet
Are D&AD going to post the video up?
Mm, bet the family of the falling man would have loved that. Tribute, was it? How thought provoking.
ooo la la
waldemirs cool
Anybody want to buy 'Lost Highway' on VHS....£2 cash?
yes please!
Jp, there was some other really good stuff, we liked the wedding pod thing. Cant remember the name of the architect who came up with it. If anyone knows do share?
Also here's a link for the Pecha Kucha global site:
It seems to be really catching on.
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